Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Food Assignments for December 20th

So girls..,this is the way things are headed for our December meeting..
We are meeting on December 20th from 11am-1pm at Kim's house.
The following assignments were decided upon at our November meeting:
Rosalie will bring fruit
JoAnne will bring something that is fermented...!
Heather will bring juice
Melanie will bring bacon
Tiffanie will bring a breakfast pizza
Kim will bring egg souffle
Collette will bring something really yummy (she told me about it and I can't remember any specifics)...old age is sinking in fast!
Jeana will bring hot chocolate and yogurt

When the ones who weren't there decide what they would like to bring...(Shelley, Amy, Charlotte, Vickie...(not to be mentioning names) let me know...or just surprise us!
Can't wait to see you all on the 20th.

Love and hugs,


  1. Sounds so great! I wish I could be there too! Take a picture so I can see all your faces! (All beautiful, of course!)

  2. NO NO NO NO! PLEASE PLEASE don't make me use my brain. Someone HAS to tell me what to bring...that's the only thing working for me lately.

  3. Thanks for the reminder, but old age is at it again---its either you or me, I 'm not sure which. I thought I was bringing Kneaders French Toast. I'll just plan on it unless I hear back from you.
