Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Carpooling to Heather's house

Last year when we carpooled to Heather's we met at the Park and Ride lot at the 1600 North freeway entrance in Orem (near Home Depot). Should we just plan on meeting there again on Thursday? If we leave at 6:20 we should get to Heather's at about 7:00.

If you want to carpool, just leave a comment so we don't leave anyone behind. I'm liking the book and looking forward to treats at Heather's house. See everyone in a couple days.


  1. Okay..."Brooke" didn't comment.

    It was me. Amy. Jones. The crazy canuck with computer-illiteracy challenges.


  2. Great idea Tiffanie! I will plan on being in the Park & Ride lot at 6:20.
    I will bring my big car in case anyone wants me to drive.
    Looking forward to seeing everyone!

  3. I'll meet up with you there as well. Melanie and I will come together.

    It will be nice to visit with you all now that I am free from the gorilla on my back!

  4. I got mixed up with my calendar, my daughter comes next Thursday, so I think I will be there! Yeah!!!
